Main poster image of the character Shuukurou Tsukishima
  • Height: 198 cm
  • Weight: 73 kg
  • Zodiac: Aquarius

Shuukurou Tsukishima

月島 秀九郎

About Shuukurou Tsukishima

Birthday:February 4

Tsukishima is the former leader of Xcution, an organization created by himself by gathering people with the same goal as him - erasing their own power. He also had found a way to achieve this by passing fullbringers' powers into a shinigami representative. However, at some point of time, due to unknown reasons, he had a change of heart. He betrayed his own comrades, killed this shinigami and everyone who already had passed their powers into him.

During Lost Agent arc he's trying to prevent Kurosaki Ichigo from coming closer to Xcution, with its new leader Ginjou Kuugo, by attacking his friends.

Appears in

Manga / Light Novel


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